
Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Articles I read at Reader At Work Summaries About 2#



>> the essay mentions why the medicine called "Aspirin" is so popular in the world. What are benefits of the medicine and does the medicine do harm to people? Summariliy, you can find answers of the questions in the essay.


111-DAMS #

>>Producing energy almost without price!! Is it possible? What do you think of ? Literally , the essay tells us that it is possible but exactly not :) Dams have been used by people for a long time.

 Actually , to explain how to use dams is so easy because they have an easy work mechanic. if you block the passage of a river , you obtain a large amount of water. And you can use the rising water for producing energy , irigitation to water crops etc. But Also Dams might be harmful for the enviroment First of all , Dams are not natural. So they can ruin order of the nature as passing time and as getting old.



>> Man has used different methods of payment throughout history.For example Before thousands of years , people were bartering* something each other to survive.You have lots of rice on your hands , how are you going to buy a house with your own rice? or How many sacks of rice should you give the person selling the house to buy the house? This is literally crazy. The essay tells us about the bullshit history of money. 

*=(A method of payment , acording to value of thing on your hands, you can exchange it to anothers thing at the same value.) 



>> In times past , a crazy king was living called Frederic II. He is wondering if babies could speak without no hearing any voices even their moms'.  And he forced the mothers not to speak to their babies. Consequently The babies had died before they were 1 year old.The babies didn't hear neither a person voice nor their moms' voice. Not only that , they also lacked their moms' love. So communicating people especially mothers for a baby is so important that a baby improves itself to survive such as speaking or its mentality.



>>The essay mentions why the students who want to study at a university prefer the universities including arts departmants to the universities including only science departmants.  Also it mentions they don't find science teachers cool when comparing to arts teachers ,so acording to the essay the most bit problem about that, As the science teachers full of life teach at universities , The science teachers bored of life teach at high schools. So The students don't want imitate their science teachers at their highschools.



>>Everything was good before. Do you agree with the opinion ? The essay is contrary to the opinion and tells us that the days known as good old days actually was not such good like people think. Especially traffic accidents are known as the most bad trouble for the day on which we live. But people living 100 years ago had to face too much problems.



>>The essay mentions that anormal rain called acid rain ,it does harm to our world and Governments are very silent about envirionmental problems.Because they are afraid of spending money about it.



>>Contrary to popular opinions , the quality newspapers are needed to contain very understanable expression and writings basically. It's a very useful news for foreign language learners. Because they read such newspapers in the language they want to learn. And they can improve their language skills in this way.



>>James Dean was the luckiest person of last century. He was handsome and attractive , acording to the essay ,thus he found a job as a actor. But he was a stange man. Everybody who knows James was even finding theirselves in an argument with him at the time when they were with james. He didn't know how to speak to someone and he didn't careless anybody at all. Teammates want to rid of him at each time. Finally , he died in a car crash.



>>Some cultures technically might differ from others such as greets , manners of kitchen etc. and the things that are done in a custom might be contrary to the others , too..  You can read variations among some cultures in the essay.


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